CRITERION 7 - Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities

Sr No. Metric Number Metric Title AQAR Document Link
1 7.1.1 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity
Annual gender sensitization action plan 7.1.1_1 PDF
Specific facilities provided for women 7.1.1_2 PDF
2 7.1.2 Institutional facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures
Geotagged Photographs
Any Other Relevant information
3 7.1.3 Relevant documents like agreements/MOUs with Government and other approved agencies
Geotagged photographs of facilities
4 7.1.4 Ge otagged photographs/videos of the facilities
Link for any other relevant information
5 7.1.5 Ge otagged photographs/videos of the facilities
Various policy documents/decisions circulated for implementation
Link for any other relevant documents
6 7.1.6 Reports on environment and energy audit submitted by the auditing agency
Certification by the auditing agency
Certificates of the awards received
Link for any other relevant information
7 7.1.7 Geo tagged Photographs of the facilities
Policy documents and information brochures on support
Details of software procured for providing the assistance
Link fo r any other relevant information
8 7.1.8 Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment
Link for Supporting documents on the information provided (as reflected in the administrative and academic activities of the Institution)
Link for a ny other relevant information
Human Values and Professional Ethics
9 7.1.9 Link for details of activities that inculcate values necessary to render students it to responsible citizens 7.1.9_1 PDF
Link for any other relevant information 7.1.9_2 PDF
10 7.1.10 Institutional code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff
Code of ethics policy document
Details of the monitoring committee composition and minutes of the committee meeting, number of programs organized, reports on the various programs etc., in support of the claims
Any other relevant information
11 7.1.11 National and international commemorative days, events and festivals
Link for Annual reports of the celebrations and commemorative events
Link for Geo tagged photographs of some of the events
Link for any other relevant information
12 7.2 Best Practices
Link for best practices in the institutional website 7.2_1 PDF
Any other relevant information 7.2_2 PDF
13 7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness
Performance of the Institution in area distinctive to its priority and thrust
Relevant Information